With the New Year upon us, now is the time when everyone starts focusing on their New Year's Resolutions or "goals". Let Forza give you your first one - Forget them!
Instead of focusing solely on the final outcome of your goals, focus on your personal growth first and foremost. To do that, you need to embrace the processes that are required by your system to reach those goals.
Break it all down - instead of intimidating yourself with one large goal, focus on the daily actions that will yield you the final result that you desire. It's only when broken down that these goals become not only measurable and manageable, their achievement becomes inevitable!
Do yourself a favor and register to Darren Hardy's "DarrenDaily" to be wiser every single day. We know that affording a coach or mentor can be a daunting undertaking. Darren offers this and much more as motivation to future achievers.
May the Forza be with you in 2017!