What a better way to start a Monday than by serving those that are serving us & our country!
18 Forza Military Care Packages were shipped off today to send some Valentine’s Day cheer to our soldiers. Bonnie Holland Elementary partnered with us in this endeavor and provided the cutest homemade Valentine’s Day cards to include for each soldier in their care packages.
Forza has a goal of sending 100 care packages out this year and we would love to be able to support your friends and family that are in the military as a part of this effort. Help us to continue to grow this programs by nominating any deployed friends or family that you may have for us to adopt as our next military unit!
All nominations may be sent to Info@ForzaRealEstate.com. Please call (832) 744-7191 if you have any questions whatsoever.
Thank you again to all of those who sacrifice for our freedom and safety. May the Forza be with you!