As we’ve all experienced the past few weeks, the coronavirus pandemic is changing rapidly and it has an impact on you, our nation, and our world. These unprecedented times present unique opportunities for all of us. It is imperative to focus on facts and data in a time like this. Unsubstantiated rumors and opinions in the public setting will continue to reap unrest, and it could cost our spirits and economy. Make no mistake that the virus is practically in every city and as testing becomes available - it will feel like a surge but its not - its just the testing has become available/thus make awareness of those affected - lets understand that now and manage our reactions and collaborate as a neighbor and world making reasonable steps that allow stability for everyone.
Now, despite the immediate and unforeseen impact on our institutions, schools, businesses, and way of life, there is hope. Keep in mind how resilient the U.S. economy has always been and in specific the housing market, even in the most difficult times - especially for Texas - we have been blessed with great stability in our real estate investments through time.
While there is nothing that sounds ideal about being “socially distant” because of the guidelines now in place, there is opportunity for growth and real leadership during this time. We are all role models and we each matter. Know this one thing: The Forza Real Estate Group is committed, now more than ever, to serving you with resources to help you—not only survive—but grow during this time. For now, we have some nuggets to share in the following sequence - God, Family and Business.
We each have our right to believe or not in a God, a universe or higher being. Regardless of our own beliefs - as the effects if this emergency unrolls - our local churches/charities will need your support with donations that you likely have at home like gently worn clothes, toys, electronics and household items. Start making donation boxes and be ready to help the wave of people economically affected. Right now is a great time to lean into each other and if you have extra time - learn about faith, proverbs, values and morals while respecting everyone's own journey
What a key time it is to unite with our loved ones, after all, love is spelled T.I.M.E. It means getting to know them deeply and intimately. Doing fun things like going through their birth stories, photographs and over all memory lane - maybe even that scrapbooking in! How about those things school doesn't exactly teach about like taxes and credit! My 15-year-old and I just went over receipts, deductions and how the IRS works as he worked alongside me organizing taxes. Or my favorite - the great feeling one feels when you make someone smile or you feel grateful - you can check off both of those by writing thank you notes to local hospitals, first responders, school districts, neighbors, friends and anyone really - as novel as it sounds - its powerful.
Our group believes ultimate success is found through serving others. We are a team who continually seeks to challenge the status quo while improving industry standards and the client experience for generations to come. While the virtual world may be new to some businesses - for us it has been the norm as we use virtual resources for our relocation clients and have been for years. We are a technology and education centric company who strive to deliver true win-win for those experiencing a real estate milestone. The CDC recommendation of being gathered with 10 or less people does not currently affect our business as typically we gather with singles or couples and sometimes a sales counselor or two at any given time. Nevertheless, here are some of the ways we are used to handling business virtually.
Web, Facetime or phone consults
All documents available for electronic review and signature
Our lender and title partners all provide full online resources
Live video tours & private showings
For our sellers - our listing can include Matterport tours (3D photographic visual of your property), live virtual tours and private showings will have proper precautions like sanitizers/shoe covers and filter serious buyer appointments.
Thank you for reading this far with us - trust that you have a committed real estate group here to serve you. Let’s continue to lift each other up, get creative with our families, communities and business and most of all - stay selfless - we are all in this together.