The Katy ISD Fall Semester begins August 19!
What will school look like in the fall? What are my child’s options? How is my child going to be kept safe? We understand that Katy ISD families and staff have many questions regarding our Return to School for the fall semester. Through your feedback, as well as continued guidance from the State of Texas, the Texas Education Agency and local health authorities, we are prepared to safely reopen Katy ISD schools for the 2020-2021 academic year. Katy ISD families will have the option of selecting in-person instruction with COVID-19 safety protocols in place, or virtual instruction via our Katy Virtual Academy (KVA).
Return to School Information - Instructional Options
Governor Abbott has directed school districts to re-open for in-person instruction this fall, as well as offer parents the option for virtual instruction. The Texas Education Agency (TEA) further mandated that in-person instruction follow a Monday through Friday schedule. The Katy Independent School District will offer in-person learning with multiple safety protocols and COVID-19 prevention measures, and a virtual option via the Katy Virtual Academy. Both options will follow the Board adopted 2020-2021 instructional year calendar.
Option 1: In-Person Instruction
- In person instruction includes face-to-face instruction, in addition to the utilization of the digital learning management system, Canvas, for other in-class supports and resources. Canvas can also be utilized as a virtual resource that provides a platform for continuous learning should there be an intermittent return from school to home instruction due to COVID-19. Daily attendance is taken.
Option 2: Katy Virtual Academy (KVA)
- The KVA instructional framework encompasses a schedule in which students are able to engage in two-way, real-time, live instruction with teachers that is delivered through technology devices (also known as synchronous instruction). KVA students can communicate and request support from teachers when needed. Students engage with their academic material on a daily basis and the KVA instructional schedule meets the minimum number of required daily minutes per the TEA. Daily attendance is taken.
- The majority of secondary courses are offered in a virtual format that is real-time, live instruction with assigned teachers. However, some secondary courses that are offered in a virtual format require before- and after-school participation with the assigned teacher (co-curricular and extra-curricular courses). Also, some secondary courses are offered in a hybrid format which requires students to fulfill in-person course requirements in accordance with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKs).
- The TEA definitions for synchronous instruction and asynchronous instruction:
- Remote Synchronous Instruction: Two-way, real-time/live, virtual instruction between teachers and students when students are not on campus. In this method, the required amount of instructional time is scheduled each day, and funding is generated when attendance is recorded daily at a locally selected snapshot time. Synchronous instruction is provided through a computer or other electronic device or over the phone. The instructional method must address the required curriculum, per TEC, 28.002
- Remote Asynchronous Instruction: Instruction that does not require having the instructor and student engaged at the same time. In this method, students learn from instruction that is not necessarily being delivered in-person or in real time. This type of instruction may include various forms of digital and online learning, such as prerecorded video lessons or game-based learning tasks that students complete on their own, and pre-assigned work and formative assessments made available to students on paper. The instructional method must address the required curriculum, per TEC, 28.002
- All KVA classes are taught by a Katy ISD certified teacher and follow the Katy ISD curriculum which encompasses the TEKS and Texas graduation requirements. KVA classes are taught using Canvas and online digital curriculum resources. Resources and instructional materials, including technology devices, textbooks, library books and calculators, are available for student check-out for home use.
- Please note: KVA may not be able to support some instructional programs and course offerings that would otherwise be available to enhance student experiences such as certain Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses. More information about this will be available soon.
General questions regarding Katy Virtual Academy, please email:
Katy Virtual Academy (KVA) Commitment
- Parents may enroll their child into KVA for the fall 2020 semester by logging into PowerSchool. The KVA enrollment option is available beginning on Monday, July 20 through Wednesday, August 5, 2020. Students who elect to begin the school year enrolled in KVA may elect to return to in-person instruction at the end of a six-weeks (secondary) and nine-weeks (elementary) grading period. KVA enrolled students are not allowed to return to in-person instruction prior to the close of a grading period.
- It is recommended that KVA enrolled students have a dedicated technology device and broadband internet access. Please indicate on the KVA commitment form via PowerSchool if your child is in need of a device and/or internet access.
Special Programs
If your child receives special services i.e. special education, ESL/bilingual, gifted and talented, dyslexia, and you have questions, please direct them to the following email for a response from program staff.
Option A: In-Person (On-Campus)
Traditional on-campus attendance procedures continue for the 2020-2021 school year.
Option B: Virtual Instruction (KVA)
Just as with traditional on-campus attendance procedures, official attendance is taken during scheduled KVA classes. A student is considered absent if the student does not have documented engagement in Canvas and/or daily contact with the teacher, and/or documentation of completion of daily assignments.
Bell Schedules (In-Person & Virtual)
Per TEA’s COVID-19 guidance regarding transportation, Katy ISD is implementing enhanced cleaning and disinfecting procedures between each bus trip. Therefore, additional time is now required between bus trips. For the 2020-2021 school year, the instructional day start and end times have been adjusted to accommodate the enhanced hygiene protocols.
High School: 7:15 a.m. – 2:35 p.m.
Elementary 1: 7:55 a.m. – 3:05 p.m.
Elementary 2: 8:25 a.m. – 3:35 p.m.
Junior High: 8:55 a.m. – 4:05 p.m.
Grading (In-Person & Virtual)
Students enrolled in KVA follow the same grading guidelines as in-person instruction. Teachers receive support and guidance on effective grading practices to ensure that grading guidelines are followed in both instructional models.
There are no changes to the Katy ISD grading guidelines for the 2020-2021 school year.
The attendance requirement for fall 2020 final exam eligibility has been waived. High school students may elect to exempt a final exam if the semester average and behavior requirements are met.
Social and Emotional Supports (In-Person & Virtual)
- Character Strong – A District character trait program has been adopted to support social and emotional learning
- Trained personnel for in-person and virtual are available to provide resources and strategies to support students’ social and emotional well-being
- Trained personnel for in-person and virtual are also available to provide trauma informed practices and to support students and are well versed in how to report potential behavioral threats
- Counselors and LSSP’s are also available to support students and families in the virtual environment
-Katy ISD