Thanksgiving 2020 is one for the books. I know for many, being able to find gratitude or “something good" is tough right now and may only happen in the future when looking back, as it often happens this way during loss.
We are in a year with a once in a century global pandemic that has killed more than 1.3 million people. For the U.S. this means 254,000 families will have an empty seat at their Thanksgiving table and quite frankly, due to the hardships many have faced, not actually having a Thanksgiving celebration all from a virus that didn't exist a year ago. Mix in the unrest from social and political events and you could be wondering - what am I celebrating this Thanksgiving?
One thing that every loss in my life has taught me is that behind every loss comes golden lessons - the kind that can't be read or taught - only experienced. The kind whose impact may take a year or a couple to reveal.
As I write to you today - I can wholeheartedly say that as divided as we have seen our society, I have never once felt alone as I have dealt with the parental, social or financial ramifications of 2020. The slow down allowed most of us to truly slow down, look around and really cherish our family unit and those that serve us.
For this Thanksgiving - I am sharing my Mother's advice with you all. For those of you still feeling a little lost right now & for those of you ironically having your best year yet.... just know "todo es solo pasajero" which means "everything is just temporary." The world makes so many turns, you really cannot let the lows get you too low and the highs get you too high. Walk in faith and be grateful to be alive - as those of us that are breathing - have a purpose to fulfill.
I hope you and your loved ones have a memorable Thanksgiving - the kind that marks us all for the better.
Thank you for being our friends and clients. For that, we are forever grateful.
-Your beloved Forza Trio
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