In the very core of our group is the mission to give back and serve others. We have been blessed to be able to do this in many ways like volunteering, fundraising, serving in local committees and nonprofits and, of course, our beloved annual client appreciation events. Spending time with our clients, breaking bread and connecting with each of you, is something that fills our hearts and as this year unfolded - we knew this year was going to need to be different. We have an ethical duty as licensed professionals who are in an industry that involves being in people's homes often to be as responsible as possible to those around us. We feel so very blessed to have made it this far into the year safe and sound along with our clients!
We also know that the ramification of the virus changed many households. Some double income households changed to single income as needs to stay home with children or parents arose, partial or full income losses from furloughs, layoffs and small businesses not surviving. The domino effect goes on and on and the main issue was people not having food on the table, especially children or elders. We knew that we needed to do two things - honor our clients and honor our promise to serve so we decided to help others "break bread" and make a donation to The Houston Food Bank in honor of our clients.
From there, the amazing Houston Texan's stepped up to the plate and TRIPLED our donation in honor of Giving Tuesday! This will provide 342 Holiday Food Boxes for families in need and help bring some of the holiday warmth into their hearts and homes.
In the current 2020 fiscal year, The Houston Food Bank has provided 159 million nutritious meals, collaborated with 1,500 community partners, provided 81 million pounds of fresh produce, 8 million to kids/teens, 16 million via meals from SNAP, had 7,080 participants in their nutrition classes and a total of 88,061 volunteers have clocked 537,650 volunteer hours. The term "it takes a village" is clearly portrayed in this amazing organization and we are so very humbled to be able to give back in the name of our clients. Each of YOU has made this possible.
Thank you from our hearts.