We can all agree that if we blink, it's 2024! This has been the fastest year since I swear it was Halloween last week. So with that said… I have a special request from you; I ask that you pause and soak this season in. That you be present, I promise the payoff is worth it, we don't need to be everywhere, we need to be where we are at the moment. As a human, this year has grown my heart 10 fold. I'm holding on to our high school grad with a melting heart as I see our three-year-old is right around the corner from PreK. He is excited by the way, as he just got a built-in playmate (cousin) as my sister-in-law was finally blessed with a healthy baby boy in her 40s! And to put the cherry on top, my mom traveled to Cuba with the inlaws and it was such a special bonding time wrapped up by moving my mother-in-law with us to cherish her during her golden years. Our hearts are full. It all happens so fast and-- in the end of it all-- our families, young or mature will remember our energy and how we made them feel. Each of you has given Forza and my family a chapter in your books and we are immensely honored. Your continued love, cheer, and grace have come home with me daily and allowed me to serve my family, friends, and The Ballard House wholeheartedly. Thank you for letting me belong, for believing in my worth, for being warriors about your goals, and for building community here in the great state of Texas. It is great by the way, we have traveled our state so much this year, to build memories while learning together and along the way have fallen even more in love with all its Texas glory. As you wrap up the year and start a new one, I hope you feel the magic today and every day of the greatness you have within, I will always be rooting for you…Fab.
It’s the season of gratitude and there is much to be thankful for. First and foremost I am grateful to the caregivers, first responders, and Veterans in our community and all who go out of their way to support and uplift these heroes. I am also grateful for the community servants who give of their time to assist the ill or elderly. It has been a year of learning and – FINALLY – travel and new experiences and new goals. From nearing the finish line for my Graphic Design degree and starting Accounting classes, to making a bucket-list trip to literary Concord and spending Halloween in Salem, to leading the Daughters of the Revolution book club; it has been an active and inspiring year! We are excited about our evolution at Forza Real Estate Group and looking forward to blazing a new path in 2024! As I look forward to the start of my third year on January 21, I am proud to contribute to the scrupulous care and attention that are the hallmarks of the Forza brand. The incredible volume of referrals and repeat clients are a testament to what this team offers and I know the best is yet to come…Jenny