NAR’s Spire program helps individuals learn the fundamentals of the real estate industry, fosters education, empowers serious consideration of real estate as a career path, and cultivates the development of generational wealth through property ownership.
Through their participation in the Spire program, Mentors provide mentees with one-on-one guidance, in-person networking advice, and a personalized perspective; while Mentees gain access to live virtual events and experts involved in residential real estate, commercial real estate, land, administrative roles, property management and more-- and association-based Spire Champions will provide invaluable zoomed-out support so mentorship pairs can learn about being a REALTOR® in a local context.
The Mentorship Term spans two months (September to October). Every other week, paired mentors and mentees attend Spire education sessions, hear from subject matter experts about various disciplines, and discuss goals to increase experience. Topics include: Commercial real estate, residential real estate, administrative roles, and more.
Mentorship pairs are recommended to meet two to four times a month to dive into the questions and ideas that emerge from education sessions and forward the mentee’s career path exploration. NAR Spire provides supporting resources and suggested mentorship activities, such as attending a networking event together, shadowing at an open house, or observing unique committee meetings. Mentorship pairs set their own meeting schedules and activities.
Mentees can be entirely new to the industry with an interest to learn more or can be licensed REALTORS® within their first 2 years practicing. Individuals from multi-cultural and minority backgrounds are especially encouraged to apply; all mentees must be 18 or older to participate. Mentees will be paired with a seasoned REALTOR® who can share expert guidance and a personal look into the industry. To learn more about mentee expectations and guidelines, email
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