(Via https://www.ready.gov/) September marks National Preparedness Month, the annual campaign to remind everyone that preparing for emergencies and disasters can keep them, their families and their communities safe.
While the resources and information shared during National Preparedness Month and on Ready.gov can be used by anyone at any time to get prepared for whatever may come their way, this year, the campaign is focused on preparing Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander communities. The Ready Campaign aims to ensure all of our friends and neighbors have the tools they need to prepare for disasters and build resilience before disaster strikes.
2024 Theme: “Start a Conversation”
Talking about bad things that could happen like a disaster or emergency isn’t always easy. We may think we’re protecting the people we love by avoiding these conversations, but they are important to start taking steps to get ready and stay safe.
Starting a conversation today can help you and your family to take more actions to prepare. By taking simple steps, you can build your preparedness at your own pace:
- Set aside a time when everyone is calm and relaxed.
- It may help to hold the discussions over a set time period, so decisions aren’t rushed, and people feel more comfortable talking about the topic.
- Talk about steps you’ve taken to prepare and encourage others to ask questions about preparedness actions that might work for them.
Emergency Supply List
A comprehensive list of suggested materials to use in order to prepare for emergencies in one's home and for their families.
Emergency Supply ListEnglish;Additional Languages>
General Preparedness
A comprehensive brochure explaining the key steps to emergency preparedness, including: being informed, making a plan, building a kit, and getting involved.
Hazard Information Sheets
Use these two-sided information sheets to learn more about how to prepare for, keep safe during, and respond to hazards.
Hazard Information Sheets: Download the Full Suite or download individual sheets in English for Active Shooter, Avalanche, Cyberattack, Earthquake, Extreme Heat, Financial Emergency, Flood, Hurricane, Landslide, Novel Pandemic, Nuclear Explosion, Power Outage, Thunderstorm, Lightning, and Hail, Tornado, Tsunami, Volcano, Wildfire, Winter Storm.
Download information sheets in additional languages for Active Shooter, Avalanche, Cyberattack, Earthquake, Extreme Heat, Flood, Hurricane, Landslide, Novel Pandemic, Power Outage, Thunderstorm, Lightning, and Hail Info Sheets, Tornado, Tsunami, Volcano, Wildfire, Winter Storm.
12 Ways to Prepare
This 9” x 6” cardstock postcard describes 12 key ways that you can prepare for disasters. Just add a USPS mailing sticker to the back to send to community members.
12 Ways to Prepare English Additional Languages
Safeguard Critical Documents and Valuables (PDF)
Be prepared for any disaster by safeguarding documents and valuables. This guide includes a checklist to help you prepare your documents should you need to file an insurance claim after a disaster.
Safeguard Critical Documents and Valuables English
Pet Owners
A unique brochure containing information for pet owners and suggestions for proactive pet emergency preparedness.
Prepare Your Pets for Disasters
Older Adults
The Disaster Preparedness Guide for Older Adults is intended to support older adults and their caregivers in preparing in three easy steps: assess your needs, create a plan and engage your network. The guide provides easy-to-read, user-friendly worksheets that walk individuals and caregivers through a self-assessment to identify specific needs and checklists that create a personalized plan.
Disaster Preparedness Guide for Older Adults
The Disaster Preparedness Guide for Caregivers includes tailored information and resources for three main caregiver audiences: those who can involve their care recipient in their planning, those who can engage a support network to aid planning, and solo caregivers. It provides key considerations caregivers can use to identify their care recipient's needs and how they may change during a disaster.
Disaster Preparedness Guide for Caregivers
People with Disabilities
A brochure with information on preparing for emergencies for people with disabilities or other functional or access needs.
Preparation makes sense for people with disabilities and special needs in English, Spanish or printable version in Spanish.
Are You Ready? Guide
This comprehensive guide provides detailed information on how best to prepare for disasters within families and communities. Learn general disaster preparedness tips and best practices to inform your planning.
Are You Ready? Guide English or additional languages.
A Guide for Alerts and Warnings
Learn what to do when you get a hazard alert at home or in the car! The Guide for Alerts and Warnings has information about 17 hazards, their alerts, and the protective actions you can take to stay safe.
Download A Guide for Alerts and Warnings
Commuter Emergency Plan
Have a plan for traveling between work and home, and other commonly visited locations, in case of an emergency. This is a full-color, one-sided sheet.
Insurance Discussion Coverage Form
Inadequate insurance coverage can lead to a major financial loss if your business is damaged, or operations are interrupted for a period of time.